Button Pad: the four directions will be bound to specific buttons, combos, or activators.
I received a lot of questions about the Hori Split Pad Pro which I answered in the comments block. HORI brings the best in build-quality, customization options, and authentic racing simulation with the Racing Wheel APEX. If I take one side off and put it back on again it will work but the other side stops. You might just need to remap the triggers in the binding for the game you're playing, this happens since the triggers are digital and most games expect them to be analog. After I got my Hori Split Pad Pro I do not care about the awful Joycons. Since the invention of the start menu, keyboards have had the Windows key (also known as the Winkey). The following buttons can be set to Turbo or Turbo hold mode: A / B / X / Y / L / R / ZL / ZR / Control Pad (UP / DOWN / LEFT / RIGHT) Control Pad (UP, DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT) are not compatible with the Turbo hold mode, and can only be set to Turbo mode. There is no latch, so pull it straight out. Rigs of Rods is a simulator which strives for maximum reallism, and hence you need an appropriate controller, such as a wheel for land vehicles and joystick for aerial or marine vehicles.

Broken triggers limit an optimum gaming experience with the Nintendo Switch console. RetroArch and libretro provide a way to take an existing emulator and load that emulator as a library or "core". It seems like either one controller or the other works but not both. XIM4 requires your console's Controller to work: XIM4 needs your console controller plugged into it at.

The Assign LED on the left will flash white once. Select a control to edit (fader, pad, button, etc. Tip: To turn AssistiveTouch on or off quickly, triple-click the Home button (on an iPad with a Home button) or triple-click the top button (on other iPad models).
I should probably update the other PS4 and try the FPS Pro on it.